Lever Arch Mechanisms for Files

Mechanisms for clamping papers and leafing through a file.

The lever arch mechanisms for files are made of high quality nickel plated and satin finished materials, assuring constant rigidity and protected against corrosion.
They conform to the international standard, the spacing between the perforation being 8 cm.

Base plates with different perforations – different positions of riveting holes:

series/ dimension
Mehanizem za vpenjanje in listanje papirjev v registratorju.
C 54,1 83,5 32,0 6,0 3,8
E 53,0 83,5 31,5 4,1 4,2
F 53,0 83,5 31,5 4,1 3,8
K 60,0 82,5 36,0 4,4 3,4
L 53,0 83,5 31,5 4,1 4,5


Right side opening (European style)
Left side opening (Arabic style)
Mehanizem za vpenjanje in listanje papirjev v registratorju.
Type V (height) KA (capacity) Type
M 80
79 mm
63 mm
M 80L
M 75
72 mm
56 mm
M 75L
M 55
55 mm
40 mm
M 55L
M 50
50 mm
35 mm
M 50L

Mehanizem za vpenjanje in listanje papirjev v registratorju.

In standard performance, mechanisms and compressor-bars, they are made of satin finish materials (Ra = 2,5 microns).   


  • metal button
  • For fixing papers clamped in the mechanism. Papers remain level when the file is in the upright position.

kovinski zapirač


  • plastic  button
  • For fixing papers clamped in the mechanism. Papers remain level when the file is in the upright position.

plastični zapirač


Slide-in-plate for subsequent fixing of a mechanism into a file. It is intended especially for a long transport of files (ocean-going transport or transport of files that is longer than 900 km) as a three times larger quantity of files is transported in this manner than usual.     

Slide-in-plate measurements with positions and diameters of riveting holes:

series / dimension
mehanizmi ilustracije 05
E 53,0 83,4 31,4


F 53,0 83,4 31,4 3,8
L 53,0 83,4 31,4 4,5





European Business Awards

niko logo 70 let 2

Project ECOMEH

Final project: The development and industrialization of eco-innovative consumer products. PDF document of the project.

The project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund


Quality Certification

The company NIKO d.o.o. has obtained ISO 9001 and 14001 quality standards.

ISO 9001 2024 ang IQ Net 14001 2015 2024  

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